by Leigh Bardugo
5/5 Stars

Nina Zenik, Zoya Nazyalensky and Nikolai Lantsov are all fighting desperately to save their country. Nina has disguised herself and fights hard from inside the Fjerdan capital. Zoya sacrifices a part of herself to become the weapon her country needs. Nikolai uses everything in his power to get the help he needs to win this war. A war with Fjerda, a conflict with Shu Han and wavering relations with the Kerch—can Ravka really be saved?
Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse series is one of the best series I’ve ever read. The characters in this book were amazing, and their personalities weren’t lost or changed; they were the same as the previous books, which I liked because I hate it when characters go through a sudden change in personality (because it usually makes them worse). The plot was pretty intriguing and I really liked how this book was more about the political side of ruling a kingdom. Even though this is a fictional story, I liked how the portrayal of the kingdom, government and wars were pretty realistic. Nothing was too far-fetched. The book was much longer than the previous ones but it wasn’t without reason; there were lots of things happening and it didn’t feel like a slow-paced story.
Haniya W.
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