Hamilton (Original Broadway Cast Recording)


Lin Manuel-Miranda and the Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton

An exciting musical unlike any before. Bringing together these unlikely genres – hip hop, theatre, and history — with a diverse cast of people from various races playing the founding fathers, Hamilton is changing history.

With its Original Broadway Cast Recording available to all, makes it feel as if you too, are there watching the show. Follow the lesser known story of Alexander Hamilton, an ambitious young man from the Caribbean who against all odds becomes an important role in the birth of a new nation and an important figure in American History.

He starts his journey meeting new boisterous friends and people of history, and joining the revolution under General George Washington’s command. With Aaron Burr, his friend and rival narrating parts of his story, Hamilton quickly rises above expectations, creating allies and enemies. He is a rebellious and arrogant protagonist whose portrayal is excellently fleshed out.

The quick pace of each of the songs, the thought in the lyrics, and the emotions in their voices will leave you entertained for hours, and teach you something too. There is a momentum in each of the songs that leaves you breathless and excited. With characters you love and hate, scenes that lift you up and break your heart, this musical will make you care about the Founding Fathers, even if they aren’t from your country. Hamilton is a musical that is changing history, and is absolutely worth a listen. – Danielle A.

View in Library Catalogue [2 Discs]

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