The Immortal Heights

The Immortal Heights (The Elemental Trilogy, #3)

Sherry Thomas

This book is the sequel to The Burning Sky and The Perilous Sea.

The Battle has begun! Iolanthe Seaborne and Prince Titus have regained their memories and are still under the dome that covers the rebel’s base in the Sahara Desert. Surrounded by Atlantis’s chariots, they cannot hide forever, and the time has come to finally take down Bane, the Lord High Commander of Atlantis. Bane knows who Iolanthe Seaborne really is, and what she sounds and looks like. He’s threatening Titus to hand over Iolanthe, or else. Titus won’t ever hand over Iolanthe for reasons such as that Bane will live a good hundred more years with her and will become unstoppable, and Titus’s undying love for Iolanthe that he would rather give away his heir to the throne than hand over Iolanthe. Prophesied deaths and shocking facts won’t stop them from stopping Bane, no matter the cost.

The Immortal Heights was the book readers have been waiting for, anticipating the final battle between Titus and Iolanthe (with the assistance from Kashkari, his family and the rebels) against Bane. For sure it’s anticipation hasn’t disappointed readers. The Immortal Heights answered all questions that readers have been asking, and ended off in a way the reader will be pleased with. I adored this book! It never bored me one bit! The suspense and romance were something to remember. I know that when I was reading that I might have forgotten to breathe from all the action. I would recommend this book to people who are interested in historical fiction, magic, and a drop of romance. The series ended off perfectly! – Celine J.

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