Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots

Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots

Abby McDonald

Jenna is the leader of her high school Green Teen group which promotes recycling and environmentalism. Her summer plans of protests and Green Teen work are no longer is the plan. They get traded in for the Rocky Mountains of adventure in Stillwater, British Columbia. She faces a tightly knit group of friends to fit into the new environment. She assists in the renovation of her Godmothers home. They turn it into the one, and only Bed and Breakfast in town. The town’s economy is dwindling. Jenna gets accused of trying to ruin their town further. Environmentalists cancelled the logging and sent away all the activity in town. Renovations of building a Bed and Breakfast are hoping to bring back tourists. Jenna’s summer is a roller coaster of emotions, whitewater rapids, climbing sheer rock faces and drama. Flirting and secrets get shared through the summer, but will everything stay as calm and as easy as it seems. People change, personalities grow and alter. Sometimes what people believe is the right thing to do may not be easy. Jenna learns to view other opinions of environmentalism among other facts of life. She also faces the hard truth, sometimes people aren’t who you thought they were. She escapes her stifling home life but the grass is not always greener on the other side!

Boys, Bears, and a Serious Pair of Hiking Boots was a cute and adventurous summer novel. It’s a fast-paced book that I would read again. This novel gives you a quick overview of her summer and the changes she goes through. When original plans become altered, will she still have a great summer? Out of her element and whisked off into the life of a small town, she meets new friends and tries new ways. Her plans may not only be of summer fun, but avoidance what she fears is waiting when she returns. Abby McDonald was able to convey the excitement of Jenna’s summer. This is a fun, flirty and adventurous novel. -Zoe P.

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