Harry Potter and the Cursed Child


Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

J.K. Rowling

Nineteen years after the Battle of Hogwarts, we take a glimpse into the wizarding world and the life of Harry Potter and his family. This story is based on the play that is showcased in London and New York, and as a result, is written as a script. Harry Potter is now a hardworking employee of the Minister of Magic, a husband, and the father of three children. It’s not easy being the son of a legend, especially when that legend is Harry Potter himself. Harry and Ginny’s youngest son, Albus, is attending Hogwarts this year with the weight of a legacy he never asked for. Join Harry in his son while they form a unique father and son bond. Watch history repeat itself as you stroll back to the school which once was Harry’s. Filled with old favourites like Hermione, Ron, Draco, and McGonagall this script is sure to revive some old memories of magic. Harry and Albus are both forced to learn that darkness and evil and arise from the most unsuspecting places.

The Cursed Child is an amazing read, especially if you have fallen in love with the world of Harry Potter. It is not formatted like the rest of the series, however, if you are able to get past that, then I definitely recommend this book. Enter this magically world one more time with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Action, suspense, and mystery fill the pages of this book, and J. K. Rowling keeps you on edge with her exciting new installment of Harry Potter. -Ananya M.

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