by Nova Ren Suma

“Nova Ren Suma’s novel, The Walls Around Us, follows two different perspectives: Amber, a girl who was in Aurora Hills juvenile detention center for girls (currently deceased), and Violet, a ballet dancer who is alive three years later. This book is suspenseful, psychological and paranormal. The story starts with Amber, a girl who is in a juvenile detention center, who doesn’t actually belong there because she is innocent. All the other girls exclude her and treat her differently because of this.
Then the story turns to Violet, an 18-year-old ballet dancer who is excited to pursue her dance career at Juilliard. How are these two girls connected? By Orianna, a girl who was sent to Aurora Hills 3 years ago. There are rumors going around that Orianna did not actually commit any crimes. Orianna met Amber as they shared the same cell, and she shared that she used to be friends with Violet, and that she isn’t as innocent as she seems.
This novel was really interesting and well-paced. There wasn’t really a moment where I got bored of what was happening, or wished for it to be over. The only problem I had with it was that there were a lot of events left unexplained that you had to try to figure out yourself. I literally had to google what the ending meant because it was so vague. But overall, this is a pretty decent read! Make sure to look up the trigger warnings if you need to!”
Suzana B.
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