directed by: Reginald Hudlin 

Based on true events, Marshall, directed by Reginald Hudlin and released in 2017, follows one of the most high-profile cases the young but diligent Thurgood Marshall faces in his career as a lawyer for the NAACP. The firm advocates for innocent Black people across America. The case is the alleged rape and attempted murder of a respectable white woman at the hands of her black chauffeur. On the case with him is Hebrew-American Sam Friedman. We witness as they piece together the story and fight for the life and dignity of the Black man whose innocence is being questioned—and not without having to withstand certain racial partialities that would accompany such a case in 1940. 

If not a testimony of “nothing is black and white,” this movie perfectly demonstrates the justice system as it relates to the endangerment and inequality of Black people and the audacity of dishonest accusers. The main characters being Black and Hebrew men, it’s also able to highlight the implications of race in general and personal setting. Through this, the movie also does the character-building justice. But mechanical aspects are also on point; the script, costume, storytelling, and jazzy, alluring music suit the setting. As if there isn’t already sufficient reason to experience this movie, it stars the late Chadwick Boseman, who of course, gives a particularly memorable performance alongside Josh Gad, who plays Sam. 

Marshall is an important and captivating story knitted with injustice, drama, a bit of surprise and an alleviating sprinkle of humour. It also happens to be true to life and history. I strongly recommend it for those ages 15+. 

Chaya J.

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directed by Michael Gracey

The Greatest Showman is a biographical musical about the journey of young Phineas Barnum as a kid, entrepreneur, museum owner, circus producer, and entertainment producer. Phineas, son of a tailor, meets Charity, the daughter of one of his father’s affluent clients. He makes her laugh and gets slapped for it by her dad, but the spark from their first encounter lasts throughout their youth, even when she’s away at boarding school, and he’s an orphan on the streets. Despite all odds, Finn and Charity marry and have two daughters years later. In the midst of raising his family, he secures a loan to build a museum of curiosities, eventually fails. He is inspired by an encounter to ask unusual-looking people to participate in a performance centered on them.

With help from costumes and makeup, he launches what will become the first circus. Barnum’s show is critically criticized, but the general public enjoys it. Barnum makes a fortune, but he can’t seem to stop looking for approval from higher classes. We all need some positivity and light in our lives. The world is filled with so much hate and unkindness toward anybody who is different. This film teaches us that everyone is valuable, that everyone’s existence has significance and purpose, and that we should work hard to help everyone, rich or poor. The message of this movie reminds us of how we should treat those around us and gives those of us who are different the courage and power to be who we are. Not to mention the amazing songs people of all ages can enjoy! This is the type of movie which you can’t help but come back to just because of its timeless nature. Human nature craves the light and goodness movies such as The Greatest Showman give to us in this world.

Manaal I.

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directed by John Lee Hancock

5 Stars

Michael Oher is a seventeen-year-old homeless African-American teenager who has been in foster care with different families due to his mother’s drug addiction. Every new home he is placed in, he decides to run away. With the help of his father’s friend, Michael is enrolled in Wingate Christian School. Coach Burt Cotton is impressed by Michael’s size and athleticism and gets him admitted. Michael becomes friends with a younger student named Sean Jr. (S.J.). S.J.’s mother, Leigh Anne Tuohy is an interior designer and the wife of Sean Tuohy, a wealthy businessman. Leigh Anne sees Michael walking alone on the road at night, shivering in the cold. When she learns he does not have a place to stay she offers him to sleep on the couch in her home. Michael slowly becomes a member of the Tuohy family, and when Leigh Anne discovers more about Michael’s past she wishes to adopt him. Michael begins playing football and improves drastically as time goes on. With the support of his new family, who helps him overcome difficulties, Michael’s life changes for the better.  

I enjoyed watching this movie and believe that it was excellently done. This heartwarming film teaches us that small acts of kindness can change people’s lives forever. In addition, the film emphasizes that we should not judge someone based on their appearance or where they came from. The acting from each character is spot on and truly moves you. Sandra Bullock’s acting was outstanding and so strong. Overall, The Blind Side is inspiring, beautifully created, and can move you to tears. This is a movie that I will continue to watch over and over and love every time. This is a great family-friendly movie with a wonderful message.

Emily K.

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by Robert Zemeckis

5 Stars

Forrest Gump (1994) - IMDb

Forrest Gump, directed by Robert Zemeckis, is a critically acclaimed drama film starring Tom Hanks in the lead role and a winner of 6 Academy Awards. The movie follows the main character, Forrest Gump, throughout his fascinating life, filled with unexpected twists and turns, all told from Forrest’s point of view. 

Forrest, a kind-hearted man with an IQ of 75 (10 points under the average of 85), recalls the story of his life to curious strangers while sitting on a bench at a bus stop in Georgia. He recounts the many events he has gone through in his life, including achieving a football scholarship to a renowned college and even fighting for his country in Vietnam. President Lyndon B. Johnson awards Gump with a Medal of Honor for his efforts in Vietnam, where he rescued many of his fellow soldier’s lives, bringing them to safety. 

Though he had accomplished so much in his life, it never mattered to him. All he ever cared about was his childhood friend and love interest, Jenny Curran. Once he receives the Medal of Honor, he gives it to Jenny as a gift, telling her he only received it by doing what she told him to do in his childhood when he was relentlessly bullied “Run, Forrest, run!”. 

This is a fantastic film that explores the fact that a person born with difficulties is only ever limited by their own thoughts and if they put their minds to it, are able to accomplish anything. I recommend this movie to anyone 13+. It is a definite 5/5 film that explores important issues.

Vlada E.

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Image result for the pursuit of happynessThe Pursuit of Happyness

Director:  Gabriele Muccino

The Pursuit of Happyness is a film directed by Gabriele Muccino and was created in 2006. The film stars world-renowned actor Will Smith as he takes on the role of a struggling, single father, Chris Gardner. Inspired by the true story, the film depicts the life of a San Francisco salesmen who struggles to make a future for himself, as he is accompanied by his 5 year-old son whom he has to take care of. Chris’s determination pays off when he lands an unpaid internship in a brutally competitive stockbroker-training program, where only one in twenty interns will make the cut. But without a salary, Chris and his son are evicted from their apartment and are forced to sleep on the streets, in homeless shelters and even behind the locked doors of a metro station bathroom. This heartwarming yet saddening film shows the hardships that Chris must overcome in order to ensure his and his son’s survival. This eventually leads him to become a Wall Street legend.  


Having seen this movie on numerous occasions, it has become a personal favourite. Films such as this one, often leave the audience motivated and humbled when they witness individuals overcome everyday conflicts that many endure. In society, the reality of many being financially unstable and deprived is often sugar-coated, but this film will definitely pull on a few of our heart strings. Will Smith’s performance makes the film even better as he and his biological son, who is also in the film, depict the life of many broken families who are able to tackle issues together. Parents are able to relate to this as they will do anything to provide their children with a successful life. The Pursuit of Happyness should definitely be on everyone’s ‘To Watch’ lists as this one will not disappoint. –Iffat A.