
Veronica Roth

Allegiant is the final instalment in Veronica Roth’s captivating Divergent Trilogy. After the fall of vicious Jeanine Matthews and the release of the Edith Prior video, a new sense of panic has reined over the city. Evelyn and her band of Factionless are taking over and destroying the faction system. Through all these events the video of her ancestor is haunting Tris, and to uncover the truth she will have to venture far beyond the walls of their city. As Tris, Tobias, and their friends escape outside the walls of their city, they are faced with uncharted dangers. The new world outside isn’t any better and what they find out once they got there was better left unfound. Tris’s connection to her mother is stronger than ever while her search for answers leads her to find some shocking truths. Tobias’s world shits as he meets others in the new world. They all struggle to find out the truths the outside world is hiding in order to save a future that might already have no hope. Tris must define sacrifice in her own terms and figure out what love truly means to her.

This novel is the perfect finale for this dystopian series. It will shock you with a new twist around every corner and exciting action in every chapter. You will instantly be submerged in this exhilarating trilogy and make Tris’s journey your own. With true to life emotions filling this book, you will feel for the characters and support them all the way through until the end. Veronica Roth captivates the readers as she invites them to enter the world of the Divergent. -Anaya M.

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Gunslinger Girl

Lyndsay Ely

James Patterson presents a bold new heroine—a cross between Katniss Everdeen and Annie Oakley: Serendipity Jones, the fastest sharpshooter in tomorrow’s West.

Seventeen-year-old Serendipity “Pity” Jones inherited two things from her mother: a pair of six shooters and perfect aim. She’s been offered a life of fame and fortune in Cessation, a glittering city where lawlessness is a way of life. But the price she pays for her freedom may be too great….

In this extraordinary debut from Lyndsay Ely, the West is once again wild after a Second Civil War fractures the U.S. into a broken, dangerous land. Pity’s struggle against the dark and twisted underbelly of a corrupt city will haunt you long after the final bullet is shot.

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Veronica Roth

Written by Veronica Roth, Divergent is a captivating science fiction and dystopian fiction book filled with believable characters and exciting events. The book focuses on Tris (the main character) and the struggles she faces trying to discover her true identity and fight for the truth in the dystopian, futuristic city she lives in, where everything is very structured and aimed to be a certain way, even the people. The story takes place in future Chicago, where society is divided into five factions; each of those factions values a certain trait/quality above anything else. Candor values honesty, Abnegation values selflessness, Amity values kindness, Dauntless values bravery and Erudite values knowledge. In Chicago, until you are 16, you are a part of the faction your parents are in, then when you turn 16 you choose a faction for yourself. Choosing a faction is the choice of your life, it decides your entire future. Beatrice/Tris Prior the main character was born into Abnegation, but she transferred to Dauntless to seek out a new exciting lifestyle and identity. With the help of her new friends, Tris tries to stop the impending war started by the leaders of Erudite and Dauntless for control of the government that is currently being run by Abnegation. Will she succeed or will the city of Chicago face hard times? Just read this enthralling novel to find out.

You will get hooked on “Divergent” once you start, it’s filled with thrilling events and relatable characters. I liked how the book included many different genres because while it was mostly a science-fiction book, it had action, adventure and even a little bit of humour and romance. While I was reading it, it had me wanting to keep reading more, and since finishing it has become one of my favourite books that I’ve read. I would definitely recommend this book to other teens. – Yara M.

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Jay Kristoff

On a floating junkyard beneath a radiation sky, a deadly secret lies buried in the scrap.

Eve isn’t looking for secrets—she’s too busy looking over her shoulder. The robot gladiator she’s just spent six months building has been reduced to a smoking wreck, and the only thing keeping her Grandpa from the grave was the fistful of credits she just lost to the bookies. To top it off, she’s discovered she can destroy electronics with the power of her mind, and the puritanical Brotherhood are building a coffin her size. If she’s ever had a worse day, Eve can’t remember it.

But when Eve discovers the ruins of an android boy named Ezekiel in the scrap pile she calls home, her entire world comes crashing down. With her best friend Lemon Fresh and her robotic conscience, Cricket, in tow, she and Ezekiel will trek across deserts of irradiated glass, infiltrate towering megacities and scour the graveyard of humanity’s greatest folly to save the ones Eve loves, and learn the dark secrets of her past.

Even if those secrets were better off staying buried.

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The Fourth Dimension

Eric Walters

Fifteen-year-old Emma has moved house with her ex-Marine mother and younger brother. It’s a brand-new condo building, which explains the semi-regular power outages, as workers complete the units around them. So Emma is not particularly concerned when the latest blackout hits just as they are preparing to leave town on a long weekend camping trip. Then the car won’t start, and their cellphones appear dead — and all the cars outside their building seem to be stalled in a long traffic jam …

In the midst of what appears to be a massive power outage, with their camping gear packed and ready, Emma and her family canoe over to the islands, just offshore, to wait it out. While they land on an isolated island, with a relatively hidden site, they are far from safe, as people become increasingly desperate to find food and shelter. As the days pass, and the power remains out, the threat of violence becomes all too real.

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Iron Gold

Pierce Brown

A decade ago Darrow was the hero of the revolution he believed would break the chains of the Society. The Rising has shattered everything: Instead of peace and freedom, it has brought endless war. Now he must risk all he has fought for on one last desperate mission. Darrow still believes he can save everyone, but can he save himself?

And throughout the worlds, other destinies entwine with Darrow’s to change his fate forever.  A young Red girl flees tragedy in her refugee camp, and achieves a new life for herself, one that she could never have imagined.

An ex-soldier broken by grief is forced to steal the most valuable thing in the galaxy—or pay with his life. Lysander au Lune, the heir in exile to the Sovereign, wanders the stars with his mentor, Cassius, haunted by the loss of the world that Darrow transformed, and dreaming of what will rise from its ashes.

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The Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins

The nation of Panem (that used to be North America) is made up of 12 districts and the Capitol that rules them. Residents of The Capitol live a glamorous, fabulous lifestyle compared to the very poor, sorrowful lifestyle of the Districts. Every year, one boy and one girl (aged 12-18) from each District is forced to be in the Hunger Games, a televised game where it’s either kill or be killed. So, on the day of the Reaping, in her District 12, when Katniss’ sister Primrose gets chosen as that year’s tribute in the Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers to take her place. The boy chosen was Peeta Mellark, who has seen Katniss within their district. At first, Katniss is okay with Peeta and considers him just a friend but, after Peeta comments regarding her on live television she has quite a surprising reaction, rethinking her original opinion of him. Leading up to the commencement of the Hunger Games, a former winner from district 12, Haymitch is mentoring them. He prepares them for the games, helping them throughout many challenges they encounter within the games with helpful gifts.

In an enthralling journey, Katniss Everdeen must fight for her life in order to survive. If she is the last one standing, it means a much better and richer life. If she loses it means definite death! That is what the Hunger Games is all about. Through extreme obstacles and variable terrains, Katniss and Peeta go through difficult decisions that their life will depend on. Who will be the one to survive? Who won’t make it home? It will all come down to life or death if Katniss wants to see her family again.

Being the first out of the three books in the series, it was surprisingly enjoyable and very hard to put down. This book has emotion, excitement and tension. But, in my opinion, there could’ve been more action and some events could’ve had a different outcome. I give this book 4 stars because it is very well written and is such an amazing adventure that the characters had to go through. I suggest reading this because of the conflicts, life and death struggles and how, combined, they brought forth unexpected emotions. Because of the mature content within the story I recommend this book for ages 12+. – Emma M.

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Push (The Game, #2)

Eve Silver

This book is the sequel to Rush.

Miki Jones is exhausted and stressed from The Game and The Committee’s cruel ways. The Game is where groups of teenage boys and girls are set out on missions to ambush The Drau, aliens that are planning to take over the earth (as if I haven’t heard that for the plot of every alien movie ever!). The whole process is in a form of a video game.

Things don’t make sense when Miki discovers that Jackson isn’t there but his jeep and keys are. Remember when Jackson would keep secrets from Miki in the previous volume? Well, that’s nothing compared to the number of secrets that The Committee is hiding from the players and humanity, secrets that simply don’t line up with the rules of The Game. Confusion isn’t nearly enough to start to describe what Miki is feeling. All the nightmares she begins to have about The Game, the strange events that follow it and her desperation to find Jackson is driving her crazy! Her mind is filled with question after question with barely enough answers to solve anything – questions like, maybe when your con goes red, you don’t necessarily die? That maybe the Drau aren’t the enemy after all? Let Eve Silver steer you down this wacky path of sci fi mystery that will make you dive right in and resurface with the determination to get your hands on the next book, Crash.

I adored this novel! The plot picked up right where it left off, starting off with the aftermath of the previous mission Miki, Jackson, Luka, Tyrone, Lien, and Kendra were part of. Last time I almost gave up Rush due to the fact it got boring for a bit, but in Push, it was so exhilarating that I barely put the novel down. Pure Genius. – Celine J.

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Rush (The Game, #1)

Eve Silver

Miki Jones enjoyed her ordinary life, unlike most girls. She had control over everything such as her weekday jogs and her strict healthy diet while being a homework queen. To be honest, right now she sounds like the perfect daughter that my mom would be yelling at me to be more like her. It wasn’t until she saved a little girl’s life that her own life went into chaos. She is brought into a game where she and a few other players – Jackson, Luka, Tyrone, and Richelle – are given a mission to terminate the Drau, beautiful extraterrestrials that are planning to destroy Earth. Questions obviously flood Miki after hearing this situation, and when her very “helpful” teammate agrees to answer some, they only lead to cryptic answers and even more questions which would infuriate anyone. These questions are keeping her mind distanced from reality and wondering more about Jackson, the leader of the group, as he is the one thing that keeps her awake at night, thinking that maybe her greatest enemy is her trusted leader.

Rush, as expected, was a fast-paced sci-fi adventure. It started off normal for the first few pages then the plot kicked in a little, after that it slowed down to a pace where I was starting to get bored of her ordinary and controlled lifestyle. Eventually, the book picked up again and became exhilarating and continued for the rest of the book. I understand that the main character can’t always be in eventful situations twenty-four seven, or that would be boring, but there was a part where it almost got too boring to continue reading, so I’ll leave this novel at four stars. The author represented a teenager’s lifestyle precisely as it included some high school drama and dealing with friendships with other personal problems even though usually they aren’t about saving the world from an alien invasion. In the end, Rush is an exceptional novel that I would recommend to sci-fi lovers. – Celine J.

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Continue with the next book in the series, Push!


Margaret Stohl

This is the sequel to Icons.

Dol, Ro, Lucas, and Tima have destroyed the first Icon base with the help of Fortis, their merk and leader of the rebellion. Destroying the first base led to their mission of taking out all other icons, the next one being in the middle of a canyon. Where one path ends, another begins as Dol has a reoccurring dream that is driving her crazy with suspicion. Dol also must choose between Ro or Lucas as confirmed from the last book that she is in love with both. The more time the Icons spent with Fortis, the more they realize how much they don’t know much about their merk friend and how many secrets that he hides. Secrets that are about them, about the Lords and how he may not be their friend after all…

I found Idols a very interesting book. It is very like the previous book, having tons of adventure and action, and the pressure we see put upon Dol as she is their leader. We also see the romance she has with Ro from the first book and how it affects her with Lucas in this book. We also see how Dol is very confused with her emotions for the two as the series is based on the emotions of these four teens. I did prefer the first book to this one just because the plot in this book floated off into a sci-fi romance theme. I also was disappointed in a way from the ending of this book was very sudden, leaving a lot of loose ends. I personally enjoyed Idols but was slightly disappointed at the ending; still is a book that I would recommend to anyone else. – Celine J.

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