June 15-June 20

Great Book, Bad Costume: Pose with your favourite book or the one you’re reading now. Then make a costume for one of the characters using only stuff you can find around the house!

This week I read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. Yes, it’s a bit of a nostalgic read, but it’s really great to meet these characters again. I also forgot how much fun the story is and how different it is from the movies. Maybe I’ll re-watch those later this week too. Anyway, the book is Oshawa Public Libraries Pass the Book selection this year, that’s why I thought it would be the perfect time to read it and now I have a great idea for my costume for this challenge! Do you know who I am?

Yes, I did use Photoshop to make my face purple, but the rest is just my costume! I used an old housecoat, some pillows, a blanket, maybe even a stuffed animal or two. I could barely move, but man was it fun to dress up like a character from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
I can’t wait to see how you dress up for this challenge!!!

This summer we are moving online and we challenge you to meet us there! Complete weekly reading and other fun challenges, post them online and win prizes!

Tag each entry with #OshawaTeensRead and @oshawalibraries to play. The more you post, the more chances you have to win. Each post qualifies as an entry into the draws for summer prize packs! Complete the ten weekly challenges in any order and even repeat your favourites with different posts!

Not on social media? No problem! You can still play by emailing your entries to jclark@oshawalibrary.on.ca

Runs June 15-August 24.

How to Play

  1. Register Here
  2. Read and complete a challenge
  3. Post a picture of the challenge online using the library tags: #OshawaTeensRead @oshawalibrary
    (or email the challenge)
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3
  5. Win prizes! (check back for prize details)

The Challenges

  1. June 15-June 20

Great Book, Bad Costume: Pose with your favourite book or the one you’re reading now. Then make a costume for one of the characters using only stuff you can find around the house!

  1. June 21-27

Books on Film: Watch a film and read the book that inspired it. Post a pic of them side by side. Bonus: tell us what part should not have been left out of the movie.

  1. June 28-July 4

Tall Tails: Post a pic of you reading with your pet.

  1. July 5-July 11

Buddy System: Read the same book as a friend and post a pic of you both with the book, while practicing social distancing.

  1. July 12-July 18

Book Tasting: Recreate food or drink from a story you read and post your creation. Bonus: Let us know if it was good or not.

  1. July 19-July 25

#Shelfie: Snap a pic of your beloved bookshelf. Make it creative!

  1. July 26-August 1

Flashback: Re-read a book you loved when you were younger and share a quote.

  1. August 2-8

Genre Trekking: Read outside your regular genre. Share what your normal genre is and the new one you tried. Bonus: read while outside.

  1. August 9-15

#BookFace: Strategically line up your face or another body part alongside a book cover that features a matching body part so that there appears a melding of life and art.

  1. August 16-22

What’s Your Soundtrack?: Put together a list of songs that move you. What would your life soundtrack look like? Bonus: use Freegal, the Library’s free music streaming App.